
NNN Property Investors Turn to Real Estate Fundamentals

August 6, 2020: By Andrew Ackerman – The triple net investment market has seen a two-fold shift amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In late March, we saw a pause as investors took time to digest rapid changes in the global economy before making forward-thinking investment decisions. However, on the other hand, demand for NNN assets has been steady despite economic turmoil. Read more

A Message From Chris & Liz Sands: SIGives & COVID-19

April 7, 2020:  When we formed SIG over 10 years ago, we knew that we wanted to build a different kind of brokerage company. One founded on collaboration and contribution. SIGives was born from this and because of you, our loyal client base, we’ve had the privilege of being able to donate more than $1.7M to both global and local charities such as Special OlympicsSt. Jude Children’s HospitalInternational Rescue CommitteeCharity:Water and many others. Read more